WFT:Sorry, but I only know about Ascii Text Files.
UII:Sorry, but you can only drag messages (to sign or to check) to the In-Tray.
SCR:Make sure the !Scrap/!System directory is seen by the filer.
COS:Can only export as Ascii files
QOT: Press OK to quit!
QOC: áááPressáOK to continueááá, Cancel to Quit
QOK: áPressáOkátoácontinue.
FAE:Fatal error occured in 'Signature'
WAR:Something fishy in 'Signature'
FPN:To save, drag the file icon to a directory display.
SFF:Please, supply a valid leafname first, then drag the file to its destination.
DTF:Data transfer failed: Receiver died.
ESC:Escape aborted the oparation, pressá'OK'átoácontinue, 'Cancel'átoáquitátheáprogram.
% Helpfull stuff
ICB:The signature programme. Drag a text file onto this icon to have its signature checked or to have it signed with your personal sign.|MClick SELECT for a more elaborate sign/check window or ADJUST for a simple 'analyze' window
I99:Information Window, info on !Signature
I00:The name of this programme
I01:The purpose, just in case you havenot found out..|MIt can attatch signatures or seals to ascii messages using your very secret personal code.|MFurthermore it can check other people their signatures using two public keys.
I02:That's me, an applied physics student.
I03:Version number, licence ID and other boring stuff...
I04:This litte token tells you that this programme supports the Acorn Interactive !Help. Be sure to read it, I manualy typed out 10k of helpfull messages !
I05:Move to the right for the name of this programme
I06:Move to the right for the purpose of this programme
I07:Move to the right for scandalous info on the author this programme
I08:Move to the right for the version number this programme
I09:This programme will also work under RiscOs 3.10..
I11:There is a customizable message file for you to alter, translate..
I12:There is a customizable config file for you to alter with !Edit
I13:This programme should works from any storare medium, place, harddisc, archive or wathever
I14:This programme supports pinboard attachtment and iconzing of its windows under R.O. 3.10
I15:This application has a data and/or useraccessable section within its directory.|MUse shift-DoubleClick to open the appication directory.
I16:This programme supports the desktop auto 'boot' options under R.O. 3.10
P99:Preferences Window, use slider bar to see more...
P06:Line separator to be used when exporting the file
P01:Line separator to be used when exporting the file
P02:The normal RiscOsáseparator linefeedá(ASCII=10) [as Edit uses]
P03:The Language likeáseparator carriage returná(ASCII=13) [as BASICáuses]
P08:Specification of the signature prefix and appearance as added to a signed message.|MDo NOT change it unless you are sure about what you are doing...|M
P00:Specification of the signature prefix and appearance as added to a signed message|MDo NOT change it unless you are sure about what you are doing...|M
P09:Prefix to the signature, ie the string the signature is recognized with.|MDo NOT change it unless you are sure about what you are doing...|M
P10:Exact (case sensitive!) signature, as a single line added to the message. ']' closes|MDo NOT change it unless you are sure about what you are doing...|M
P07:Use 'compaction' to shorten the signature|MDo NOT change it unless you are sure about what you are doing...|M
P11:If a message is signed, what does the header look like..|MAs soon as all specified elements are found, searching is aborted.
P12:If a message is signed, what does the header look like..|MAs soon as all specified elements are found, searching is aborted.
P12:If a message is signed, what does the header look like..
P13:First line specifier, for the programme to see wether this is an incoming (and possibly signed) message.
P14:The first line specifier. Must be somewhere on the first line to recognize it as an incoming message. A Blank if no specific first line.
P17:The string prefixing the sender.
P18:The string prefixing the adressee.
P19:The string prefixing a subject string.
P15:Whether there is an addresse specification
P20:Whether there is an subject specification
P16:From prefix. Mailers like WimpLink supply this, and the below mensioned, information.
B99:Preferences Window, use 'Store' to store them to disc.
B03:Cancel these (changed) preferences, the old values will be substituted again.
B02:Store these filled out preferences as default. Will be loaded on subsequent runs.
B01:Read and use these filled out preferences, but DO NOT STORE them to disc.
A99:Analyzed message results...
A00:Analyzed message result, coming from... (as supplied in the header of the message)
A01:Analyzed message, name of the sender (and the person who signed the message if any)
A02:Analyzed message result....
X99:Normal 'save-as' window to save a signed message
X03:Drag this icon to wherever you wanna send it toooo
X02:Type out a leaf name and drag... or fill out a full path name and press return
X01:You can press OKE to save the (signed) message (if you have entered a full path name)
R99:Window to Fill out/Change your password-sentence
R01:Obey the sentences flashed at you from this mighty place
R02:Type out your (new) password-sentence here...|MOnly words from the tokenlist (below) scramble your signature.|MPress the 'Oke/Change' button in the right-bottom corner to finish.|MUse tab to insert a token word.
R03:Type out your (new) password-sentence here...|MOnly words from the tokenlist (below) scramble your signature.|MPress the 'Oke/Change' button in the right-bottom corner to finish.|MUse tab to insert a token word.
R04:Type out your (new) password-sentence here...|MOnly words from the tokenlist (below) scramble your signature.|MPress the 'Oke/Change' button in the right-bottom corner to finish.|MUse tab to insert a token word.
R05:Type out your (new) password-sentence here...|MOnly words from the tokenlist (below) scramble your signature.|MPress the 'Oke/Change' button in the right-bottom corner to finish.|MUse tab to insert a token word.
R20:Confirm your (changed) password-sentence.
R21:Count, to get the 'info' box, on the left, updated.
R22:Cancel setting/changing your password-sentence. (Window will be cleared/closed)
R16:List of token words, which code your password-sentence
R07:Token words, words which are needed in the password sentence
R19:Press this button to insert a word into your password sentence (if the caret is there), you can also use the 'tab' key.
R18:Scroll list (down), press shift and ctrl to speed things up.
R17:Scroll list (up), press shift and ctrl to speed things up.
R13:Valid token words, the more the better, press count to update this value.
R11:Percentage of the secret code covered. should be at least 28%, press count to update this value.
R12:Silly info, total number of words, press count to update this value.
R06:Some info about your password-sentence, press count to update these values
M99:Window for more extensive info and control over to signing and checking
M02:In-tray|MDrag the message(i.e. text files) that need to be signed or checked into here.
M15:Out-tray|MDrag this file-icon to a destionation to have it saved as 'Msg-Text'.|MDouble click to get a full save window in which you can fill out a full path name.
M13:Out-tray|MDouble click to get a full save window in which you can fill out a full path name or just a leafname to drag with.
M17:Out-tray, area you can drag file-icons out of, to drag (=save) them to their destinations
M16:In-tray, area you can drag messages; text-files into, to have them checked or signed.
M00:In-tray, aarea you can drag messages; text-files into, to have them checked or signed.
M14:Remove the last signature of a message, if any.
M04:Sign a message, even if it is already signed.
M01:Information about the last message file dragged into this window.
M03:Information about the last message file dragged into this window.
M09:Current status of the signing/checking process.
M05:From field: (assumed) Sender of the message
M07:(Assumed) Sender of the message, if it is a signed message to be checked.
M11:To: Addressee of a message, if known.|MMailers like WimpLink supply this information.
M06:Subject: Subject field of the message, if knowm.|MMailers like WimpLink supply this information.
M08:Subject field of the message, if knowm.|MMailers like WimpLink supply this information.
M12:Addressee of the message, if it is a signed message to be checked.
M10:Click SELECT to gain access to a List of people whose public signature is known.|MIf you select any of these people, the message is treated as if it came from that person, and any signature is checked against her/his key.
M18:Click SELECT to get a full save window in which you can fill out a full path name or just a leafname to drag with.
% APP specific gelly
FNF:During Wimp-file-transfer, file got lost:
FNT:Only 'text-files' are accepted, no directories etc.
NHF:No message header found
NFF:No From-field found in message header
NTF:No To-field found in message header
NSF:No Subject-field found in message header
SFN:Signature file not found :
EMP:Nothing, (well no alpha-num-chars) to sign, its an emptyámessage!
MS0:No message dragged into this window yet...
MS1:Gonna sign this message. HoldáOná!
MS3:Public keys sender are NOT known, cannot check!
MS4:Notáanáincomingámessage. Use 'Sign' to sign this message
MS9:Message signed, you can now drag/save it to its destination
CNO:Sorry, but cannot find the owner in the public list...
PKW:Public keys in public_list and in your personal file are different/missing...
AYS:Sure to save these preferences as default...
NSU:These preferences will be used for thisásessionáonly, theyáareáNOTásavedá!
NPN:Enteráaápassword-sentence toáscramble your secret signature code.
BUG:Warning. This signature possibly contains a erronous ']' sign. A negative evaluation result might not be reliable. A positive result is ALWAYS reliable.
YNP:You really need to enter a password-sentence !
SBS:Message not signed...! press OKátoásign,áCanceláto Export.